
the rest of the red, white and blue

i have been so busy packing for our move to europe that i didn't make any plans for the fourth of july! (i know can you believe it, what kind of army wife am i?)
the night before we called up a few friends and invited them over for a BBQ.
i normally like to have party favors, games and festive treats...but this party i had to scale it back, not only was half my stuff in boxes oralready in germany but i decided to invite sixfamilies over last minute and my house is in shambles!!! (still present tense.)
i still managed to put in a few little "creative juices!"

i got red and blue cool aid for the drinks, and in the white pitcher we had ice water. i made the festive strawberries and poured the left over dipping chocolate in star shaped cookie cutters.
then i decided to make a pie...why i don't know? i had the cookie cutters out for the chocolate and thought it would be a cute idea to make a "13 colony star shaped pie...
it didn't work out really, the kids were screaming and i was digging through boxes to find measuring spoons and cups. "A" for effort though...

i used the punched out stars and put them on lollipop sticks and baked it separately and stood it up on the pie.

this is what it started out as, and yes i only put 10 stars, i didn't make enough dough. if you end up doing it remember to use a rolling pin to transfer your dough, use 13 stars, and line the crust with foil so it wont burn! i didn't take pics on the after part, sorry about that will do better next time!

hope everyone had a happy 4th!

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