
{my party} ice cream birthday

ice cream birthday party!

i got this adorable "ice cream cone cake pop" inspiration from the lovely bakerella.

i didn't have the styrofoam block to place them in and had to improvise. my dad took a one inch hole saw (it attaches to a drill) and drilled out holes for me in a cardboard box.
to finish it off wrap the box in your fav wrapping paper, then take an exacto knife and make an X where the holes are (you can just feel for them)

the last step is to place your treats in them and admire your work!

i found this fun ice cream nail polish at TJ Maxx. the lotion at targets dollar spot, and the ice cream cone bubbles at Walgreen's.

ice cream cone main cake:

this took four boxes of cake mix, (yellow cake for the cone and chocolate for the top.)
  • i baked them in large square baking dish (the largest one i could find!)
  • cooled it in the freezer overnight
  • carved it the next morning when it was frozen. i find that its easier to carve and frost a cake when its frozen. that way the cake crumbs don't ruin your frosting
cupcake ice cream cones:
  • before you start this make sure you have your cup cake holders ready. when you make your box make sure to space the holes far enough apart to account for the large cupcake and frosting. you don't want it to close together.
  • then fill all of your cones with something heavy, like m&m, mike and ikes ect. the treats get really top heavy with all the frosting on the cup cake and will tip over. i used peanut m&ms, they gave the cone more stability.
  • bake a dozen or so cup cakes and then take the wrapper off.
  • use a piping bag and and a #7 cake tip and frost the rim of your ice cream cone. this acts like glue giving the cup cake more stability.
  • place the cup cake upside down on to the cone
  • then pipe (use what ever decorative tip you like) starting from the cone and swirling it till you get to the top of the cup cake.
  • then add your favorite sprinkles right away. you want to do this while the frosting is still moist.
i do these the night before the party so the frosting hardens a bit. that way its not moist and sticky and it doesn't get all over the place.

happy entertaining

crystal b.

get more creative juice at these linky parties:


  1. Such a cute idea for a birthday party. I love everything and you did a great job on the cake!

  2. I can't believe how great this looks, I would have this at my wedding! And none of it can melt either, it's so perfect


  3. Such a great idea! What a fun theme!
