
{TUTORIAL} painted easter eggs & nest

easter egg decor
& nest

i love easter. 
maybe its the pastel colors or the abundance of candy & chocolate.
either way i love to decorate, entertain, & eat too much around this holiday...

the first of a few easter tutorials is this lovely nest i styled for the third issue of
{see our feature on page 130-137}

i was sort of obsessed with taking pictures of this nest. 
there is a ridiculous abundance of pictures i am about to post.
i am aware of this. please excuse my obsession.

take dry grass {this was from my front yard garden}
and wrap it in a circle in a large bowl
spray the grass with water until moist
leave overnight to dry
when you remove the grass it will maintain the circle shape

note: could you try to make this nest without these steps? 
sure. but i tried. i wrestled with that dang grass until i was ready to quit!
this was my solution and it worked great & has maintained its shape for the last 3 weeks
buy wooden eggs 
i found these here and i thought they were a great deal 
and she shipped them quickly and was great to work with.
how to paint:
-i used martha's paint for the base
blue - "surf"
yellow - "couscous"
green - 50/50 mix of the two
- i used METALIC brown {any random brand}for the speckles
- use a toothbrush to speckle & spatter the brown paint
{PS - this is kinda messy.}

like i said... i may have gotten a little carried away with taking pictures of this.
but i just thought it was so pretty!! 

happy entertaining
mindy starr

linking up to these parties
and this one


  1. What a great idea on how to achieve the bird's nest using grass from the lawn....would have never thought of shaping it and spraying it with water! Love the colors you used on the eggs, too. It all just turned out delightful....and I don't think you overphotographed a bit!

  2. Thanks for the post. The eggs look wonderful :)

  3. Everything about this is sweet. I love the pastel colors of the eggs..and it's really not overphotographed. :)

  4. Super cute! and your photos rock! :)


  5. These are beautiful! Love the display piece as well!

  6. Featured your lovely eggs today! Thanks again for linking up to my Springtime Holiday Link Party!

  7. This is so pretty! We'd love for you to link this and whatever else you'd like at our new Beautify It Monday link party going on now at

  8. Wow that looks so good, I want some of those eggs. I love your Blog and the pictures are wonderful. I'm following you on GFC and Linky, I would love it if you could come and visit me @
    I have a Sunday link party it is still open if you would like to share.

  9. I love those colors. Thank you for posting exactly what you used because I've been looking for the "right" colors to do the same thing. And great tip on making the nest, I never would have thought of that or of using "real" grasses. I have plenty of dead weeds/grasses around still, I might as well use them for something. lol

  10. I love everything about this especially that cute little nest! Thanks so much for linking up to The Creative Spark. Pinned and I will be featuring it tomorrow. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter weekend!
    Jenn :)

  11. This is lovely! I am a bit late, unfortunately, but I am gonna pin it for next year! Too cute!

  12. This is very very pretty! I love everything about this arrangement - the eggs are perfect!!

  13. Yeah, I totally copied this. It's gorgeous! I'd love to feature you in our Spring roundup on Wednesday (with a photo and a link back). Let me know if you'd prefer we didn't. Have a wonderful week-


  14. I just ADORE this...I keep running into it on Pinterest and I have to make it!! Good thing it goes with spring as well as Easter decor!! Stopping in from
