
{TUTORIAL} magnetic me using free photobooth props

magentic me
photobooth props

i am SOOO excited about this tutorial. 
i have been planning and thinking about this for a LONG time!
aubrey is obsessed with magnetic dolls and dressing them up.
she is also obsessed with playing dress up herself. 
this is a combination of the two. 
Pin It

here is how you make it. 

the details:

a tin box - this is a tin pencil case i got in the back to school section 
{see i told you i have been planning this one a while...}

printable magnetic sheets - i got these at walmart - $5 for 3 sheets
{i actually used 2 sets... but i made some mistakes or i would not have used them all}

krylon matte protective finish {you can use whatever finish you want - not just matte}
you can use something different but it cannot be water based 
{aka - NO modpoge, elmers, ect.}

these go right into your inkjet printer.
they make different ones for laser printers so be sure to check what you have.

i took a picture of aubrey in a white shirt against a white background
and printed it right on to the magnetic sheet.
i cut it to fit on the inside of the tin box

then...using word i designed a magnetic cover
and trimed it to fit the top of the tin box
{i was not so into the whole hello kitty front...although aubrey was lol}

now on to the fun part...

{see our ROUND UP of free ones HERE}
{or use some of OUR free ones HERE}

i downloaded the printables from the sites and
printed them 6 to a page on the magnetic sheets

since you printed these on an inkjet printer 
any water will ruin and run the prints.
sealing them with a NONwater based sealer will
protect them & keep them from turning yellow 
this is an important step if you want these to last.

TIP: cut the pages into 6 squares so that each image is seprate
this will help the paper from separating from the magnet and bubbling.
{this was something i learned the hard way!}

once they dry,
cut out the images and there you go!

i can totally see these as party favors!
aubs is in heaven. this kept her busy for hours. 
its packed in the church bag now too - 
its an awesome quiet activity!

happy crafting
mindy starr


  1. What a cute idea! Love that! I love that the things you do are so original, never seen anything like this! And it's great!

    1. thanks katie! i think that is one of my favorite comments ever!

  2. this is a really really great project, and very creative! Im sure anybody would love this, kids and adults. thanks for sharing this!!

    -rachel w k

    1. i know rachel i totally think i want one for ME! lol

  3. What a fun fun project. I haven't heard about printable magnetic sheet, time to check them out. Thanks for the info and fantastic tutorial.

  4. Are you kidding me?!?! This is the most fantastic thing I have ever seen. I echo Piggy Bank- pure genius!

  5. What a great idea! So fun.

  6. Love this idea. I am taking my son on a long flight to Thailand in March and this would be a perfect suprise to make to keep him busy!

  7. This is too cute! My kids would love it! :)

  8. My kids love stuff like that and one with their face on it, they're goo
    g to love it! You're so creative, I never would have thought of that on my own!

    1. thanks miriam! aubrey is obsessed with dress up and dolls so this i KNEW she would love this!!! i wish i found better princess photo booth props becasue she would be officially in heaven!

  9. Mindy,
    Did you resize any of the photo booth props to fit your daughters picture? I downloaded some of them and they look really big...big enough to for an adult to use as a prop, therefore too big for a picture.

    Thanks for sharing this idea. It's precious!

    1. i downloaded them & realized they were the size for an adult as well so when i went to print them, i printed 6 per page {it was just one of the printin options}. that seemed to be the right size for the craft. i hope that helps!

  10. These are so much fun - thanks for sharing how you made them!

  11. This is so adorable! Thanks for the idea!

  12. Very cute indeed. This will make excellent little Christmas gifts for my grand kids. In fact, it would be pretty funny to make them for my grown kids too!


  13. This is awesome! I will be making one for my babe. Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. So creative and so much fun! Thanks for sharing at The Creative Spark - I'll be featuring this tomorrow. Enjoy your Sunday!
    Jenn :)

  15. Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Love it! This would be perfect for my sweet little grandbabies! I need to do this, one for a boy and one for a girl! Congrats on being featured at the Creative Spark! ~ Barbara

  17. What an utterly brilliant idea: I have plans to make them for The Girls to keep them occupied on the long car trips and plane journeys that we have coming up!! Found this via pinterest: you are pretty popular!!

  18. This is so cute, the kids will love it! Pinning now!

  19. I LOVE THIS! My cute boys would be in heaven. I'm making these for their valentines gifts :) Thanks for sharing!

  20. Such a clever idea and so original! Will definitely be trying this for my kiddos. Thank you for sharing your creativity! :)

  21. This is amazing, amazing! What a great activity. I want to make this right away!

  22. Hello there- THIS IDEA is so precious SOOOO! You are my Talent Scouted Post, and I would love to feature this post on COM.

    Please email me at With the html code to this post and an small intro to the top of the post. I.E. your name and your blog etc.

    Can't wait.

    winks, jen

  23. What a neat idea! I will be pinning this, my 2 year old would love it!

  24. Cutest idea EVER!! I'm doing this!! Thank you so much for the tutorial!

  25. That is SO CoOl! On my top 10 list of things to do!

  26. Great idea. Can make it up in my spare time for my GD's 2nd birthday in a few months from now. Have several cookie tins hanging around. One of which can be used for this imaginative project for keepong her preoccupied for my son and DIL.

  27. Thank you so much for this! I made it last night and it's fantastic :)

  28. This is AWESOME!! I am totally making this for my daughter! Thanks for sharing the idea and the free downloads! :)

  29. Love this idea!!!! What a perfect travel toy. I'll be making these for sure.

  30. I love this! I have a busy 2 year old boy, so I'm always looking for fun things for him to do. :-)

    Erin at

  31. These are hilarious! My daughter would love them! So creative.

  32. Just found this via pinterest! Amazing, thank you so much, I can't wait to try!

  33. What is that font that you used on the front? LOVE it!

    1. that font is from picnik its called "love ya like a..."

  34. Where did you get the tin that you used? It looks like the perfect shape. Such a CUTE idea and for sure making mine soon :)

    1. that tin was perfect!! i got it at back to school time from target. i have since had a few people ask this and have tracked them down to hobby lobby but they are not the same size! they are only $2 though... but they are half the width so the picture would be really skinny. i am trying to find a good pice with an online vendor. i'll keep you all posted!

    2. I just found one today at Walmart in their back to school section. They had Spider man, Tinker Bell and Star Wars tins. Same size as what you show in your picture. It was $2.47 I think. :) Such a clever and unique idea by the way. My son is going to love it for our road trip coming up!

  35. I have never used magnetic paper before but it sounds awesome! Do you think you could use contact paper instead of the matte finish? I have plenty of contact paper on hand. I am assuming magnetic paper can't go through the laminator? Such an awesome idea. I pinned it for all of the summer trips we are planning :)

    1. i bet contact paper would work fine... i would just do a small trial to be sure it doesn't inhibit the magnetic paper at all. the magentic paper is not that strong! too many layers may make it difficult. and i have not tried but i am assuming the laminator would not work either!! lol
      let me know how it turns out! i would love to add that tip for the other readers!

    2. Hi Mindy! Just so you know, magnetic paper is totally laminate-able! I made a travel train table (that I posted about here and a magnetic paper doll that I have not posted about, and for both I used the Avery magnet paper and laminated it. The stick is strong enough. I wouldn't recommend shaking it like crazy, but it holds well for quiet play :)

      I also made my little boy the magnetic me but did it on regular paper, laminated it and used magnetic tape on the back of the photo booth props. I stuck his head right into a little tin so found I didn't need to use any kind of magnet on him :)

      Just thought I would update you :) If I post about the magnetic me, I will let you know in case you are interested! Thanks again for sharing such a creative, fun idea!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This is a great idea! I have been looking for a project to do with magnetic sheets I picked up a while ago. I may try and see if i can fit into a little altoids tin I have lying around, otherwise I'm sure I have a pencil case...

  38. Cute idea! Thanks for rounding up all those free printables! I'm making mine right now! :)

  39. Just want to say, this is a very good idea and I can't believe the ease of use of this site! I am excited to try this with my 10 year old son. Always nice getting great tips and free services like this site.. may check this as well!!

  40. What was the size of the tin container you used?

  41. Great idea! I've pinned it!! One question: I don't understand your tip "cut the paper into 6 squares." Is that before you print or after? Or before you spray with sealer?? Can't wait to try it!

  42. Sooo cool! Kudos to you (though this is an old post old now :)). For anyone interested, covering the magnetic paper with clear contact paper after you print and before you cut the images out is a good alternative to the spray. It works well.
